Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 2 Families Assignment_ Early Childhood Programs, Schools, and Social Change

Week 2 Families Assignment_ Early Childhood Programs, Schools, and Social Change

Q Family 1: Fannie Lawrence Identify several external factors causing stress in the family; what is causing discomfort?

Q Identify several emotional responses in the parents; identify the extinct emotions felt by Fannie Lawrence Describe why it is important for teachers to understand family life Describe how family life impacts teachingFamily 2: Sylvia Ashley Identify several external factors causing stress in the family; what is causing discomfort? Identify several emotional responses in the parents; identify the extinct emotions felt by Sylvia Ashley

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The stress of having to manage the everyday schedule of the kids alone, Fanny found it very challenging to manage well. Also, there was the stress of not having Otis around when she needed him the most. She knew his challenges, but she could not accept it. Additionally, the stress of pregnancy, having to work up until birth, managing the two kids who demanded attention, made it tiring for her. Her work at the school added to the stress of time management. She also hardly communicated with Otis the problems and discussed for a solution, leading to growing discomfort and stress of managing household chores alone.